
Reclamation and dredging projects in the Philippines: Development for whom?

contributed article by Youth Advocates for Climate Action PH, an alliance of individuals & youth...

Protecting Our Planet, Empowering Our Peoples: Sign-on Statement in support of the Escazú Agreement

La traducción al Español y el formulario se encuentran aquí We, the movements and civil society...

Submission for the First Global Consultation on ‘Nature-based Solutions’

IBON International welcomes the opportunity to submit our input in the UN Environment Programme’s...

[AfDB Ministerial Meeting Side Event] Towards a more inclusive and sustainable climate financing

IBON Africa is organising a virtual side event on May 18, 2023 (15:00 EAT / 12:00 UTC), ahead of the...

ADB’s loans will sink frontline communities in deeper debt

IBON International statement on the launch of ADB’s IF-CAP May 4, 2023 (Incheon) – The 56th Annual...

World Bank’s Paris Alignment: A Loophole for Gas

IBON International Update2023 IMF-WBG Spring Meetings WASHINGTON DC, April 17 – From April 10 to 16...
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