Month: June 2023

IBON Africa, CSOs assert inclusive and sustainable climate financing ahead of Africa Development Bank annual meeting

IBON Africa, CSOs assert inclusive and sustainable climate financing ahead of Africa Development Bank annual meeting

Nairobi, Kenya – IBON Africa, a regional organisation advocating for climate justice and sustainable consumption and production, conducted the virtual side event “Towards a more inclusive and sustainable climate financing” ahead of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the African Development Bank (AfDB). The Side Event was held on May 18, 2023. The webinar unpacked the…

Reclamation and dredging projects in the Philippines: Development for whom?

Reclamation and dredging projects in the Philippines: Development for whom?

contributed article by Youth Advocates for Climate Action PH, an alliance of individuals & youth formations that advocates for climate justice. #FridaysForFuture PH For World Environment Day, we joined the People’s Summit Against Reclamation and protested in front of Manila Bay last Saturday and at Mendiola Peace Arch today  We joined coastal communities and small…