Month: May 2023

Protecting Our Planet, Empowering Our Peoples: Sign-on Statement in support of the Escazú Agreement

Protecting Our Planet, Empowering Our Peoples: Sign-on Statement in support of the Escazú Agreement

La traducción al Español y el formulario se encuentran aquí We, the movements and civil society organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and beyond, advocating for the rights of communities and peoples, strongly denounce the rampant corporate exploitation of our land and natural resources such as the extension of monocultures, megaprojects and extractivism,…

Submission for the First Global Consultation on ‘Nature-based Solutions’

Submission for the First Global Consultation on ‘Nature-based Solutions’

IBON International welcomes the opportunity to submit our input in the UN Environment Programme’s First Global Consultation on ‘nature-based solutions’ (NBS). IBON International, as a service institution closely working with people’s movements across the global South, registers our concerns with what has long been regarded by civil society as a distraction from the real solutions…

[AfDB Ministerial Meeting Side Event] Towards a more inclusive and sustainable climate financing

[AfDB Ministerial Meeting Side Event] Towards a more inclusive and sustainable climate financing

IBON Africa is organising a virtual side event on May 18, 2023 (15:00 EAT / 12:00 UTC), ahead of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB) Annual Ministerial Meeting. The webinar titled “Towards a more Inclusive and Sustainable Climate Financing” will be an informative session on the implications of the Public-Private Partnership model of financing promoted by…