Day: December 13, 2022

CONFRONTING THE CLIMATE CRISIS: People-powered Climate Actions from the Global South

CONFRONTING THE CLIMATE CRISIS: People-powered Climate Actions from the Global South

The impacts of climate change are intensifying. The range of impacts include sea-level rise, increased temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and increased frequency of extreme weather events such as droughts or floods. For instance, the last eight years have seen the highest temperatures on record. The catastrophic effects of the climate crisis are most visible in…

Loss and Damage: Advancing the Fight for Climate Reparations and Justice

Loss and Damage: Advancing the Fight for Climate Reparations and Justice

The 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is expected to focus on whether developed nations that have emitted most of the carbon dioxide historically should compensate for ‘loss and damage’ to developing countries that have not contributed significantly to the problem and are the least prepared…

People’s rights and solutions for human and planetary wellbeing

People’s rights and solutions for human and planetary wellbeing

Published: June 10, 2022 IBON International Executive Director, Jennifer del Rosario-Malonzo, delivered the following intervention at “Wellbeing Economies: A new economic approach for human and planetary health,” a Stockholm+50 official side-event. Stockholm+50, a meeting held fifty years after the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment, took place at the Swedish capital last June 2…

On the illegal, mass arrest of 92 peasants and advocates in the Philippines

On the illegal, mass arrest of 92 peasants and advocates in the Philippines

Published: June 10, 2022 IBON International joins social movements and civil society in the Philippines in condemning the violent and illegal arrest of ninety-two (92) peasants and advocates in Hacienda Tinang, Tarlac province in the Philippines yesterday, June 9. We join Philippine social movements’ calls for their immediate release. The police, without providing a warrant,…

The Philippines: Prospects in pursuing climate justice, eradicating poverty and inequality

The Philippines: Prospects in pursuing climate justice, eradicating poverty and inequality

Published: September 4, 2019 The climate crisis has drastically increased the occurrence of weather-related disasters, affecting millions of families especially those in the global South and causing billions in losses and damages annually. Institutions and actors are forced to reevaluate accustomed frameworks of development, and incorporate sustainability and environmental policies. However, civil society organizations (CSOs)…

In the face of the pandemic and climate emergency UNEP must uphold, not backslide on fundamental climate justice principles

In the face of the pandemic and climate emergency UNEP must uphold, not backslide on fundamental climate justice principles

IBON International welcomes the opportunity to give comments and recommendations to the United Nations Environmental Programme’s Draft Medium-Term Strategy for 2022 – 2025, particularly on the theme on climate action. We are engaging the UNEP in the shaping of this landmark document in the hopes of contributing to the development of rights-based, gender-just, and people-centered…

IBON Europe joins around 50,000 in Brussels Climate March to Demand Swift and Tougher Action on Climate Change

IBON Europe joins around 50,000 in Brussels Climate March to Demand Swift and Tougher Action on Climate Change

An estimated 50,000 CSOs, students and academe, youth organizations, green groups, trade unions and concerned citizens in Belgium marched in Brussels on 10 October 2021 in the biggest climate action in more than 1.5 years. The participants called for ambitious and coherent measures to tackle climate change that do not pit sectors of society against…

Developing and developed countries lock horns at initial salvo of climate talks in Madrid

Developing and developed countries lock horns at initial salvo of climate talks in Madrid

Government representatives attending the 25th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP25) to decide on a few unfinished agenda as well as discussions to agree on the rules for the implementation of Paris Agreement following the decisions adopted in Katowice, Poland in 2018. Published: December 12, 2019